Operating System Windows-7/10/11

How can Start Computer System?

  • Switch on Power supply.
  • Switch on UPS.
  • Switch on Monitor.
  • Switch on CPU.
  • After some Processing Computer System start and display Desktop.

How can Shut down/Close Computer System?

  • Click on start.
  • Click on power.
  • Click on Shut Down.
  • After some processing Computer System Shut Down/Close Automatic.

How can Restart Computer System?

  • Click on Start.
  • Click on Power.
  • Click on Restart.
  • After some processing Computer System close automatic and start again.

How can Sleep the Computer System?

  • Click on Start.
  • Click on Power.
  • Click on Sleep.
  • Computer System automatic go to sleep mood.

What is Desktop?

After turning on the Computer System display a screen on Monitor that is called Desktop.

What is Icon?

A symbol which is display on Computer desktop screen is called Icon.

What is This PC/My Computer?

It is showing the disk drives and Hardware connected to this computer. It is also allowed to explore and manage the contents of the computer drives.

What is Recycle Bin?

It is a folder or directory where deleted items are temporarily stored. Deleted files are not permanently removed from the hard drive but are sent instead to the Recycle Bin, the files in the Recycle Bin can be restored to their original location. They cannot be used directly while they are in the Recycle Bin.

What is Network?

It is access the computers and devices that are on your network.

What is Control Panel?

It is used to change settings and customize the functionality of the computer.

What is Task Bar?

The taskbar is an element of an operating system located at the bottom of the screen. It allows to locate and launch programs through start and the start menu or view any currently open program. on the right side of the taskbar is the Notification Area that allows us to check the date and time, items running in the background.

These are different area and parts of Task Bar.

Start Button

It is a small button that display as the windows logo. It is always displayed at the left end of the taskbar in windows. It is used to display the start menu or the start screen of windows after click the start button.

Type here to search box sits directly next to your windows 10 start button in the lower left corner of Task Bar. It is use to find files, documents and applications with the help of keyword.


It is the digital assistant that helps users with questions, setting appointments and finding destinations.

Pinned programs

It is a program in windows 10 that means we can always have a shortcut to it within easy reach. This is handy in case you have regular programs that we can to open without having to search for them or scroll through the all-apps list.

Notification Area

It is a portion of the taskbar that provides a temporary source for notifications and status. It can also be used to display icons for system and program features that have no presence on the desktop.

Time and date

It is a portion of the taskbar that provides system current time and date.


It is located at the right end of the taskbar. It contains icons we might find our self-selecting or pressing pretty often: battery, Wi-fi, Volume, Clock and calendar and action centre. It provides status and notifications about things like incoming email, updates and network connectivity.

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